Party Ideas

Corporate Holiday Parties

What we love most about planning corporate holiday parties is watching the gradual change in atmosphere at an event. What starts out as a room of employees, transitions into a room of funny accents, laughter and most importantly, blossoming relationships. In the last 10 years I have spoken with thousands of guests at corporate events. When asking them what they liked best about the event it was engaging with their co-workers. Not the stuffed chicken & frozen veggies from the hotel catering department. They remember learning that Tom from accounting speaks three languages or meeting a co-worker’s spouse for the first time. It comes down to enabling guests to build relationships.  

We offer two types of events: 

corporate holiday types

corporate holiday parties, corporate christmas parties, company holiday parties, holiday party ideas, company holiday ideas


Some past corporate customers include: 

corporate christmas parties, corporate christmas party ideas, corporate holiday parties, murder mystery christmas parties